
Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Simple Life on the Playa

Here's a few shots of the logistics of our existance in Black Rock City.
This is our camp. We slept in the back of our Element on a wonderful plush bed and our living room/kitchen was at our feet. We had plenty of shade because we formed a square camp with a central plaza with a few of our dear friends from Bellingham, WA.
This is a view of our daily trip to the ice store. Only ice and coffee can be purchased at Burning Man. (always notice the unusual folks in the background of our pictures!) And this is Michael in line for ice. His face is a reflection of the long, amazing first night of adventure for a Burning Man Virgin.

1 comment:

Ione said...

Great cabana!

Michael looks like some character out of Star
Wars (the first one, i.e.). Weird, really, but that's what Burning Man reminds me of--the outlandishness of a Star Wars flick.
