
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Letter From Burning Man

Hi all!

This is a letter we received today from the Burning Man organizers. It's a newsletter called Jack Rabbit Speaks. This is the newsletter that gave us so much great advice as we prepared for the event during the summer.
We thought you would like to read it.
It's a very good example of the spirit of Burning Man.

Jack Rabbit Speaks
Volume 12, Issue 2
September 25, 2007

Has the dust settled yet?

We've (mostly) returned to the office. We're unpacking the trucks. The
DPW began the line sweeps last week, and Black Rock City 2007 has almost
completely disappeared. Wow, we think, reeling back in the "real"
world...*that* went by fast...didn't it?

And it did. A week of unusually extreme weather (even for the Black Rock
Desert!), a double rainbow, a full lunar arson at the Man,
and a chance to watch the city respond and the Man being built
again...more visitors than ever (just over 47K on Saturday at noon, if
you're keeping score), recycling, composting, biodiesel, algae that eats
diesel fumes, engines that run on coffee grounds, bizarre lights in the
sky, solar panels all over the city...and once again, AMAZING art, large
and small, all around the playa. We're impressed, BRC. You did it again.

It was an intense and amazing one, to be sure, in more ways than one. We
got one feedback email from an angry participant who said that our
preparation materials were insufficient because we should have warned
the new folks that there are "horrible white outs EVERY SINGLE DAY"...we
thought to point out that not only does BRC have completely different
and unpredictable weather every year, but some of us actually LIKE the
dust storms...but we figured we'd just make him madder. ;) And HOT! Wow!
It was a treat to run around in NO sleeves at night, for the first time
we can remember since the 90's.

But the weather aside, there is plenty to say about what worked and
didn't in BRC this year. You'll find info below on how to submit your
own feedback. (Hint: we can't do much about the unpredictable weather in
the desert, nor would we want to....and no, we're not planning to move
"somewhere more comfortable" any time soon. Thousands of us actually
*do* like it just like it is, dust and all!) We look forward to hearing
from all of you about your experience...and learning from your
suggestions about how we can continue to adapt and improve the event
next year. See BRC News, below.

There are also images and pictures GALORE, and upcoming Decompressions
across the country, and opportunities to participate in those events and
wrap up from the year of the Green Man. And for those that are still
looking for info on what happened to the first Burning Man on Monday
night, here's a link to our website news statement: . Of course there's PLENTY
of discussion on the ePlaya since the event on this and all manner of
other subjects, so hop on over if you're itching to share your thoughts:

There's more below...and more coming soon... and we know we'll hear from
more folks with images and stories once we get this out -- but this is
a nice JRS dose to get your Volume 12 kicked off. Welcome back to the
rest of your life...340 days until the burn!

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