by Kate Raudenbush
She is the Sacred Lotus of ancient creation myth and the avatar of enlightenment. She is the Life Force of all that is struggling to survive on this dying planet. She is the Guardian of Eden. Her origins evolved from a cross-pollination of Hindu and Egyptian creation mythologies, Buddhist symbolism and the ancient symbol of the life force of creation, the Flower of Life.
An imposing 18-foot tall plasma-cut steel lotus flower, this Guardian symbolizes Earth's creator and protector. Her intention is to further the awareness of interconnectedness of all life by gathering us together to be enfolded in her symbolic seat of enlightenment. For it is within this awareness that we might nurture our desire to care for her spirit, and realize, in turn, that her survival is intimately connected to our own. Enfolded in her petals, we contemplate that we too can be creators and sustainers of our world, and, more significantly, we too are its Guardians.

Michael was climbing on it. And as you can see, some people have clothes on.....

and some don't!

Wow- cool pix.
Can you size them to about a 5x7 view-able? That would help keep them on one page without appearing too small.
Just couldn't see the naughty bits quite clear enough!
Love your photo shows!
Absolutely love Koilos and the Guardian!
love, me! b!
The Lotus is incredible!!!! INCREDIBLE! How tall was it? Were the edges sharp? If so, the naked dude was in definite peril!
Thanks for sharing all the art work.
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